2024 Awards Program
2024 Awards Program
Lowe’s Pellets & Grain is a proud supporter of 4-H, FFA, and all of today’s youth that are involved in the livestock industry. We believe that today’s youth is tomorrow’s future, and by encouraging a strong “today”, will make for a stronger “tomorrow”. We applaud our youth exhibitors for recognizing the hard work, dedication, and time it takes to prepare and exhibit their livestock in a competitive manner. Your desire to succeed is what drives the people of Lowe’s Pellets & Grain to produce high-quality feeds for your every need. Our awards program encourages outstanding performance and hard work and rewards your excellence in the show ring at the end of it all. If you’re a recent winner that’s been feeding Lowe’s Purple Vision, Lowe’s Pellets & Grain, or Eligius branded feed, you might qualify for our awards program.
Note: Recent Changes have been made to our awards program and we are no longer accepting applications for Rowe or Sunglo products. Please visit their websites to complete their separate award applications.